Surfers of Life School at Paz
Teaching kids how to surf life— Mata Palo Style
A transformative educational initiative in the heart of Costa Rica’s most important rainforest and most pristine beach paradise.
Surfers of Life was created to expand the good life we enjoy in Mata Palo, to our kids and everyone involved in it.
We are setting the path for our kids to follow the balance in life their parents enjoy in Mata Palo— based on teachings from surfing and living in nature.
Certified, but independent from traditional curriculums
Our aim is to support the development of complete, confident and intelligent kids, for their own well being—beyond the minimum requirements, curriculums and philosophies created to form employees.
The challenges and demands of having a free and alternative lifestyle require additional resilience, skills and strengths than those that are trained to be told what to do. They must learn how to surf life.
We want to support our kids to thrive in the alternative awesome life style of their parents with solid toolsets to shape their life based on doing what they love, and loving learning of how to do it.
Created by and for the family and community
The Surfers of Life school is formed by local surfers that were born or have been living in Mata Palo for decades. It’s an extension of our family and friendship.
The quality of the traditional educational system is below our standard and on top of that it does not fit our life style. Rather than downgrading our awesome life by adjusting to city-based education that we know it does not work, we created this school to upgrade the life of everyone involved to match our standards.

What we share in Surfers of Life School at Paz isn’t taught—it’s experienced
What a gift
To learn about life in the place with more life on Earth.
The Surfers of life school at Paz
The School is designed for a small group of 3 to 6 local children, ensuring a personalized and community-oriented educational experience that allows for close attention to each child’s growth and learning.
Project based learning
The school follows on the foundation of Paz nature-based learning and practicing of emotional development technics while merging in Spanish, English, mathematics science and music to every activity.
Hands-on Projects
The school teaches planning, problem-solving, and teamwork with Construction, Farming, and Maintenance. Music and acting with public performances at local markets to build confidence and creativity.
Learn by doing
Children sell crafts and lead workshops at local artisan markets, contribute to their parents’ retreats by preparing kits, performing, and learning hospitality skills.
Guest Workshops
Hosted in partnership with hotels and retreat centers. Diverse themes: music, surfing, art, business, DJing, gardening, and more. Funded by children’s fundraising activities. Includes co-creation of parents’ business projects to inform and engage the local community
U.S.-Certified Education
We use the Oak Meadow distance learning program, ensuring alignment with the U.S. state curriculum, annual certification by a Florida school and monthly oversight from a certified teacher.
The school at a glance
The daily schedule is from 8:30AM to 2:30PM, to allow parents, teachers and kids to surf in the morning and afternoon.
Special arrangements will be made according to the tide during the best swells of the year.
The School Year
The school year will follow the high season which is the time parents and kids are typically in town while maintaining adherence to the Costa Rica’s system. Kids continue in the grade they are currently starting
Cost Splitting
The cost of the school operation including the teacher, insurance, and meals for both teacher and kids will be split between all parents according between the number of kids in the School
Board of Directors
The parents plus invited academics will serve as advisors and meet every two months to propose and vote on changes. The owner of Paz and founder of the School serves as principal of the School in charge of incorporating and executing the proposals.
Assistance and Online lessons
The school is online first, which means that all materials, assignments and lessons are distributed electronically via whatsapp/dropbox, they designed to be followed independently by the student.
Presences is always optional, parents don’t require permission to travel because kids won’t be missing the lessons; We just a mandatory 48 hours notice to account for classroom adjustments and meal preparation.
The Osa Peninsula and Mata Palo are imposible to describe. This is one of most wonderful places in the world. Nature thrives as in the old days, our lives are off-grid, very few people, lots of surf and outdoors community events.
The current status
We are hiring an awesome teacher
Live within Paz in a private apartment in the middle of the rainforest with a surf break and a pristine beach right in front.
The role includes accommodations, 3 meals per day and enough time to find a life-work balance according to Mata Palo.
Link: Job details
Building the Classroom
We are finishing building the classroom and hands-on lab which should be finished by Feb 10.
Both the classroom and lab will be fitted with tools, music instruments, and technology shard by both Paz customers, musicians and kids
Developing the framework
Academically the school will follow the Oak Meadows program based on the US/Florida curriculum.
Since the program is based on distance learning the actual implementation of the curriculum can be extensively adjusted by Surfers of Life School.